Saturday, September 5, 2009

Displaying Feed Content or News Aggregator for Website

I've been searching on the net looking on how to insert feed for my website/s. Well, honestly my real purpose is to insert an auto-generated content for my website to and news feeds or aggregator is exactly what I want. But I've never found a blow by blow instructions. Most of them promises to deliver auto content using their software with of course, you have to pay. Here's what I learned from playing around Joomla admin.

I want my feed displays to look like a content inside a page. There are alot of extensions for feed display in Joomla but most of them are Modules and not Components.
1. Create a module position that exactly looks like your content.
2. Log in to joomla admin.
3. Click extensions.
4. Then Module Manager.
5. Click New
6. Select Feed Display
7. Next
8. That's it! Enter the details like Title, Parameter, feed links, where you would like it to appear, etc...
Regarding the content, I realized nothing is better than creating your own content rather than just getting somewhere else.  You will got the total control for the look, layout, design and content.

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